Kodikos akinetoy: 11479
Patra Proastio POLEITAI diamerisma ston 1 o oropho synolikes epiphaneias 146 t.m.Apoteleitai apo 3 Y/D, 1 loytro, apotheke, saloni & koyzina.Einai kataskeyasmeno to 1979 me energeiake klase H
Time: 115.000 €
-Eimaste ste diathese sas gia na sas boethesoyme na breite to idaniko akineto gia tis anagkes sas! -E these toy akinetoy sto charte echei topothetethei kata proseggise. -E akribes dieythynse toy parechetai kata ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy. -Gia ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy einai aparaitete e ypodeixe tes astynomikes taytotetas kai toy A.PH.M. sas symphona me ton N.4072/11-4-2012 PHEK 86 A.