AGIA PARASKEYE Exairetikes minimal aisthetikes diamerisma 119 t.m., 5oy orophoy, me apokleistike chrese roof garden 120 t.m., se neodmete polykatoikia poiotikes kataskeyes, energeiakes klases A+. To akineto apoteleitai apo aneto kai photeino choro ypodoches me energeiako tzaki poy dinei se oraia megale beranta me tentes, open plan koyzina, 3 y/d ek ton opoion to 1 einai master me ensuite loytro, loytro kai WC xenon. Epipleon diathetei energeiaka thermodiakoptomena koyphomata aloyminioy me dipla tzamia kai sites, porta asphaleias, thyroteleorase, systema synagermoy, A/C, endodapedia thermanse me atomiko lebeta physikoy aerioy, antlia thermotetas gia psyxe - thermanse, apotheke 12 t.m. kai these stathmeyses ypogeioy. Brisketai se exairetiko location, plesion agoras kai M.M.M. (Kod 3399)