Kodikos Akinetoy: 373-1350806. Studio/Gkarsoniera Pros Enoikiase, orophos: Isogeio, sten perioche: Komotene. To embadon toy akinetoy einai 55 t.m.. Apoteleitai apo: 1 Y/D, 1 mpanio/a, 1 koyzina/es, eno diathetei 4 theseis stathmeyses (4 Se anoichto choro). Echei kataskeyastei to 1980 kai anakainisteke to 2023. E thermanse toy akinetoy einai Atomike me Sompa, eno epises diatithetai Boiler, echei koyphomata Synthetika me Dipla tzamia, energeiako pistopoietiko: G kai ta dapeda einai: Plakakia. E katastase toy einai: Kale, brisketai konta se Sygkoinonies, Scholeio, Super Market, echei thea Anoichtosia, Kale. To akineto einai Bammeno, Epiplomeno, Esoteriko, PHoteino, Diamperes, Isogeios katoikia kai epises diathetei ta parakato charakteristika kai pleonektemata: Sites, Apotheke, Kepos, CHoris Koinochresta, Epitrepontai Katoikidia. Time: €200. Remax Morphi, Telephono Epikoinonias: 2531084420, email: info@remaxmorphi.gr