Keller Williams Cretan Properties
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Keller Williams Cretan Properties
The real estate experts KELLER WILLIAMS has been recognized as the #1 Real Estate network, based on the number of associates and the volume and number of transactions within America, and the #1 Training firm of all business lines worldwide. We give Priority to the Human Factor, to each client the value he deserves, directions on how to make use of his property or find the property he is looking for, in its true value and we achieve this through the successful career and quality of our partners. We have an organized system for evaluating, promoting, buying/selling, renting, managing, upgrading your property, since our partner network covers the whole of Crete. Our vision is to become the company of your Choice through our evaluated Consultants. Keller Williams Cretan Properties brings a new perspective to real estate!
Keller Williams Cretan Properties
Μαρία Λακιωτάκη
Γιώργος Κωστόπουλος
Φαίη Περογιάννη
Mariana Momekova
Μάριος Σαλιβουράκης
Keller Williams Cretan Properties
- 10:00 - 18:00
- 10:00 - 18:00
- 10:00 - 18:00
- 10:00 - 18:00
- 10:00 - 18:00