Chalkidiki, Posidi, Fourka. Inclined parcel of 6250sqm with the shape of a hill, with an unobstructed and an unmatched view to the sea and to unbelievable sunsets and to all the surrounding areas The parcel is 300m from the beach, it is landscaped with 20 olive trees, has water and electricity and it is located in an amazing elevated spot between Fourka beach and Aegeopelagitika, in a residential area
In order to view this property you need to provide a valid ID / Passport according to the Ν.4072 / 11-4-2012 ΦΕΚ 86 Α ΜATRIK, DELFON 32, THESSALONIKI WEBSITE 1: HTTP://WWW.MATRIK.GR WEBSITE 2: HTTP://WWW.GREECEPROPERTIES.RU E-MAIL: PHONE NUMBERS: 2310 - 850944, 2310 - 850994