Thessaloniki- Pilea, Pournari area. 1865sq.m land field for sale (outside the city plan, under inclusion in future city planning extension), fenced, rectangular, with dimensions 22m. X 76m, with angled front fascade on an asphalt road. It offers unobstructed views towards the sea and the surrounding mountains.
In order to view this property you need to provide a valid ID / Passport according to the Ν.4072 / 11-4-2012 ΦΕΚ 86 Α ΜATRIK, DELFON 32, THESSALONIKI WEBSITE 1: HTTP://WWW.MATRIK.GR WEBSITE 2: HTTP://WWW.GREECEPROPERTIES.RU E-MAIL: PHONE NUMBERS: 2310 - 850944, 2310 - 850994