Kodikos Akinetoy 1005-12089
Poleitai ena omorpho stoyntio stis 40 Ekklesies. Brisketai ston 2o oropho (me asanser) kai echei embadon 30tm. E porta einai thorakismene, to patoma apo plakaki, ta koyphomata synthetika me dipla tzamia. Diathetei mpalkoni me thea os te thalassa, kai apotheke sto ypogeio 18tm. Poly konta sta panepistemia, stis phoitetikes esties kai genikotera sto kentro tes poles. Prokeitai gia mia axiologe ependytike kai ochi mono protase, logo tes antagonistikes times toy kai tes katastases toy se synartese me te kombike these toy to kathista idaniko gia phoitetes kai ergazomenoys toy kentroy. Ste paroysa phase einai misthomeno.
| Oi plerophories kai ta charakteristika ton akineton echoyn katachorethei basei ton plerophorion kai stoicheion poy proskomise o entoleas.
| To semeio sto charte den antapokrinetai sten pragmatike dieythynse toy akinetoy.
| Ola ta akineta poy proballoyme meso internet einai diathesima, kathos ginetai syneches enemerose kai aposyrontai ta me diathesima.
| Kata ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy einai aparaitete e astynomike taytoteta e o A.PH.M, symphona me ton Nomo N.4072/2012 - PHEK 86/A/11-4-2012