ID: 18889
Alimos. Kalamaki: Orophodiamerisma, 4oy orophoy, 126 t.m. diamperes, me thea boyno kai thalassa, 3y/d megala, 2 mpania, apokleistike chrese taratsas 50 tm me pergkola, bbq, kai ena mikro koyzinaki, e opoia echei aperioriste thea thalassa, kai echei prosbase apo to klimakostasio. E energeiake klase einai A+. E oikodome einai tetraorophe, pantachothen eleythere, kai echei 2 parkin kai apotheke. Brisketai , molis 10 lepta me ta podia apo ten paralia kai 1.300 m. apo ten akte.
Diamerismata :
1oy 73 tm. (4.700/tm) 343.100€, 97 tm. 453.127 € (4.700/tm)
2oy 76 tm. (5.000/tm) 376.100€, 97 tm. 501.332 € (5.200/tm)
3oy 77 tm. (5.500/tm) 423.280 €, 95 tm. 549.000 € (5.800/tm)
4oy 126tm, orophodiamerisma, me 3 y/d 869.400 € (6.900/tm) me apokleistike chrese taratsas me pergkola 50 tm, 2 parkingk
Ola ta diamerismata echoyn parkingk pylotes kai apotheke
Ta diamerismata 1oy 2oy kai 3oy orophoy,
a. 73, 76, 77 tm antistoicha echoyn 2 y/d,
b. 97, 97, 95 tm antistoichos echoyn 3y/d alla analoga me to stadio tes oikodomes mporoyn na metatrapoyn se 2 y/d.
Diamorphose esoterikon choron diamerismatos: To orophodiamerisma echei megalo saloni trapezaria (35.tm peripoy) me energeiako tzaki, kai koyzina anexartete, einai poly photeino kai eyrychoro, kai epikoinonei me mia beranta 27tm. me thea thalassa. Ta 3 y/d einai poly eyrychora kai epikoinonoyn me ten megalytere beranta 36t.m peripoy. Ta mpania einai 2 me ntoyziera.
Energeiakes prodiagraphes : **Topothetese antlias thermotetas me syndyasmo klimatismoy psyxes - thermanses Fan coil** Exoterike thermoprosopse. ** Energeiaka koyphomata aloyminioy me thermodiakope, dipla tzamia, me dynatoteta na apolambaneis ten exoterike thea, choris na eisai oratos apo exo.**Eliakoi thermosiphones ( Zesto nero apo ten antlia thermotetas kai ton eliako thermosiphona). **PHotoboltaika gia ten meiose toy kostoys ton koinochreston dapanon. Proegmene Asphaleia: ** Rythmizomene monada epipedoy ygrasias kai ionismoy toy aera se kathe diamerisma gia idanikes synthekes diabioses. ** Synagermos photias se kathe diamerisma. *Kameres parakoloytheses stoys koinochrestoys choroys. **Synagermos gia to diamerisma.
Exoplismos kai Ylika : * Dynatoteta anabathmises toy orophodiamerismatos se smart-home. * Exairetikes poiotetas ylika me dynatoteta epiloges.
Parkin: 2 parkingk pylotes me phortise elektrikoy aytokinetoy.
Perissotero apo ena spiti, einai mia epiloge tropoy zoes. Ena exairetiko akineto se pronomiake topothesia gia osoys anazetoyn anese kai poioteta!
Time : € 869.400
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