Global Property Services, with Tax Number 801571306 and General Registry Number 159341937000, is a property management company that has a twenty-year experience in the specific field as well as in business management. Our company is based in Loutraki, Corinthia, where it focuses its brokerage activity with license number 49550 from the Chamber of Corinth. It is a member of the Association of Realtors of Corinth, the Federation of Realtors of Greece (OMASE), the Association of Certified Realtors of Greece (EPPA), the American Association of Realtors (NAR) and the European Association of Realtors (European Association of Real Estate Professions - CEPI). It is also a member of the Real Status Network broker network which has 1,500 members from all over Greece. The manager of the company, Christina Katsampi, has successfully completed the program of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens "Real Estate Agent" with a letter of recommendation, as well as the program "Real Estate Agent - Manager of Real Estate, Private & Public Bodies" of G.S. E.B.E.E. She is also a certified broker by the international certification body TUV Austria for the scheme "Real Estate Broker - Real Estate Manager" and a certified expert by BPOR (Broker Price Opinion Resource). We undertake purchases, sales, leases, lettings, short-term leases and holiday home rentals.