40 результата для:

агентства недвижимости Каламата

  • ASTY real estate office
    ASTY real estate office

    Anagnostara 31 k Avias 2 - Καλαμάτα

    CERTIFICATE IN REAL ESTATE FROM SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE ASTY is a real estate agency located at Kalamata. Welcome to the internet location of our office www.astyrealtor.com . Take your time to browse our properties. With years of experience and certificate in real estate from Swinburne university of Melbourne. We take over the buy-sell and lease of your property, as well as we buy sell or building solar panel licenses and projects, as well as the issuing of loans with the most suitable and favoring terms We have a number of properties of every type (houses, business properties, development land, and investment properties). At your services for any cooperation whether giving out or searching for estate, as well as for any enquiry or advice in the market of buy-sell or renting of property. Asty Real Estate Office is a member of the Association of Real Estate Agents in Messinia. We would like to invite all prospective buyers to browse through the Association's web site and familiarize themselves with the Association's Rules of Conduct. Asty Real Estate office advises all prospective buyers and investors as well as property owners to seek advice and assistance from Estate Agents that are members of the Association and are bound by the Association's Rules of Conduct. The Association is responsible in overlooking its members' continuing development and training in order to provide high quality services to all Buyers and Sellers.

  • ValorVista Realty
    • На Indomio.gr более 1 года

    Solonos, 11, Kalamata Ellada, 24131 - Καλαμάτα


  • Hellas Homes
    Hellas Homes

    Aristomenous 41 , Kalamata - Καλαμάτα

    Our office in Kalamata is always open for our clients and our partners are always ready to asist you in any way possible. We always take into account and respect our clients' wishes and preferences and find the best solutions. Here are some of our activities: We can undertake construction projects to: Build your dream vacation home according to your preferences and needs. If you own a land plot anywhere in Greece, we can undertake the planning, constructing and designing of your new vacation home. We can guarantee you an excellent result, since we always take care of even the tiniest detail and respect your wishes. Build your dream vacation home in “our land plots”. We can offer you land plots within the urban plan zones, in residential settlements by the sea, where there is all necessary infrastructure (roads, water supply, ecological sewage disposal, power supply). We have: Vacation homes for sale. We offer you ready-to-move homes in our activity areas. We also offer houses that are still under construction but not complete, so that the new owner may modify or add anything to the design according to their needs and tastes. Constructible land at your disposal. If a vacation home is not something you want in the near future, but a land plot is, no problem! We can find it for you. We have land plots in organized residential settlements within urban plan zones as well as beyond them, where individual houses or even house complexes can be constructed. We can provide you with house maintenance services. We all know how annoying it is, when you’ve been away for a while and return to your house and there are so many things to do; take care of the garden, clean everything up, “fight” the dust etc. Well, you can forget about all that because we can do it for you! We fix everything so that your home is always ready for you and your friends! Also… We undertake the development of small or big residential settlements. We can undertake projects to build residential settlements from scratch. We find the ideal location, conduct the architectural research and build the necessary infrastructure. We undertake development of large-scale investment projects. We develop of residential settlements, hotel projects etc.

  • All you need is land Real Estate
    All you need is land Real Estate

    chrisanthou Pagoni 1 - Καλαμάτα

    With over 20 years of experience in the field of sales and rentals, we are pleased to present you our new corporate identity. AllyouneedisLand is active in the field of real estate providing comprehensive services for the purchase, sale, lease of real estate, plots and land within and outside the Prefecture of Messinia. Our priority is to understand your needs and provide immediate and, above all, reliable solutions. All the properties and estates that we have are strictly selected and we are constantly enriching our list. Our goal is to fully meet your needs with comprehensive services, transparency, proper guidance, ethics and confidentiality. Services to which we are loyal all these years that we deal with our customers. Our guarantee is the relationship we have built with our customers.

  • Confido Realty
    Confido Realty

    Valaoriti Aristoteli 2 Kalamata, 24133 - Καλαμάτα

    We are convinced that delivering a completely satisfying home selling and buying experience requires proactiveness and an ability to maintain solid communications throughout the transaction process. Our knowledge, experience, expertise and resources set us apart allowing us to achieve results that don’t just meet, but exceed our clients’ expectations. It is our commitment to provide you with exceptional service from a team of highly skilled, uniquely talented individuals with high integrity, extensive professional knowledge and experience, far‐reaching connections and excellence in home marketing. OUR REPUTATION within the Real Estate Industry is impeccable. COMMUNICATION & RESPONSIVENESS. We are known for our proven ability to maintain open communication around the clock and a high level of responsiveness to our clients throughout the transaction process and beyond. BUYING STRATEGIES. We use modern technology along with our market knowledge, unsurpassed negotiation and sales skills, professional experience and collaboration to assist you in identifying your desired property and securing the best price and terms, while protecting your interests. HOME PRICING STRATEGIES. We take pricing your home very seriously and offer the wisdom and knowledge gained through real estate experience. With a careful, in-dept analysis of all of the unique features of your property and the existing market conditions we will expertly advise you on a pricing strategy that creates a clear path towards your goal of a successful home sale. MARKET READY & DESTINED TO SELL. It is well known fact that homes sell faster and for more money if they are prepared properly for sale. We can help you with home preparation and staging including facilitating repairs, so you can net the highest price possible! PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY makes your home look fantastic online and in print. We extensively use HDR photography and 3D Virtual Tours, something you cannot see almost anywhere else in the industry, so your property photos are guaranteed to stand out. Our stunning images draw more people to your listing and will make a good first impression with every home buyer. NEW HOME’S IN‐HOUSE MARKETING We personally walk through each of our listings with our sellers to discuss the home’s highlights and features, taking a personalized approach to marketing your home in the best possible light. Creative, informative and uniquely designed, our online and print advertising captures the true essence of your home and the attention of prospective buyers. SOCIAL MEDIA: Skype, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn …Technology has changed the way we live, play, work, communicate, shop and advertise. We embrace the ever changing world of technology and are always seeking the best applications to serve our clients personally and efficiently. COMMITMENT is a term that we honor. We are trusted to fulfill promises and take care of our clients’ concerns. "Our goal is to provide the ultimate in professional residential and commercial real estate service to the most demanding customers, focusing on properties in the upper level marketplace which serve the needs of a sophisticated clientele." Trust your dreams to us!

  • Агентство
    • На Indomio.gr более 1 года
  • Green Wonders
    Green Wonders

    Udras, 27, Kalamata Ellada, 24131 - Καλαμάτα

    Green Wonders is your trusted real estate agency, serving Kalamata and the greater Messinia region. We are dedicated to helping you find the perfect property in one of Greece’s most stunning and authentic locations. Specializing in property sales, rentals, and investment opportunities, we offer personalized services tailored to your needs. Our extensive portfolio includes seaside residences, vacation homes, urban properties, and land with development potential. Our mission is to combine the natural beauty of Messinia with your vision, delivering professionalism, reliability, and transparency in every transaction. Trust Green Wonders to make your property purchase or rental a seamless and enjoyable experience. Kalamata, Messinia +306983856784 Discover your own "green wonder" in Messinia with us!


    Parodos 1i Xenofontos 2, Kalamata 24131 - Καλαμάτα

    3 Объявление в районе

    Κατασκευαστική Εταιρεία στην Καλαμάτα. Πωλήσεις Διαμερισμάτων σε πολυτελείς κατασκευές.

  • High-Touch Construction
    High-Touch Construction

    Dimosthenoys 5 Kalamata, Kalamata, 24131 - Καλαμάτα

    Μελετητική-κατασκευαστική εταιρεία στη Καλαμάτα με πάνω από 30 χρόνια εμπειρία στην ανάπτυξη οικιστικών και τουριστικών projects

    • На Indomio.gr более 1 года

    Athinon 2, Kalamata 24134 - Καλαμάτα

    Οι αξίες που πρεσβεύει το γραφείο μας είναι η επιστημονική επάρκεια, η επαγγελματική αξιοπιστία, η ποιότητα, η συνέπεια λόγων κι έργων και ο σεβασμός στον πελάτη. Το γραφείο είναι οικογενειακή επιχείρηση και αποτελεί μία συνέχεια από την παλαιότερη στη νεότερη γενιά. Στελεχώνεται από τις ειδικότητες μηχανικών που είναι απαραίτητες για τον σύγχρονο σχεδιασμό και κατασκευή των κτιρίων. Με συνεχή παρουσία στη Μεσσηνία από το 1980 σε κτιριακά έργα τόσο σε μελέτες όσο και κυρίως σε κατασκευές. Βασικό αντικείμενο της πολυετούς δραστηριότητας μας είναι ο σχεδιασμός και η κατασκευή μονοκατοικιών και πολυκατοικιών καθώς και τουριστικών καταλυμάτων. Στην πόλη της Καλαμάτας το γραφείο έχει κατασκευάσει (μελέτη – κατασκευή – πώληση) περισσότερα από διακόσια πενήντα (250) διαμερίσματα και τα κτίρια κοσμούν διάφορα σημεία της πόλης.

  • Pythagoras Development
    Pythagoras Development
    • На Indomio.gr более 1 года

    Hioy 37, Kalamata 24131 - Καλαμάτα

    PYTHAGORAS DEVELOPMENT Company was established in 2022 in Kalamata and specializes in the construction and sale of apartments of high environmental standards, in cooperation with qualified engineering and architectural design offices.


    -AKRITA 105 - Καλαμάτα

    Καλωσορίσατε στην Αntonopoulos Management,η ίδρυση της εταιρίας είναι το αποτέλεσμα της εξέλιξης της 20ετης εμπειρίας μας στον τομέα των ασφαλίσεων και των ακίνητων ,με σκοπό να προσδώσει ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις στην διαχείριση -αξιοποίηση- εκμετάλλευση κάθε ακίνητου, γιατί πιστεύουμε πως κάθε ιδιοκτήτης είναι μοναδικός και κάθε ακίνητο ξεχωριστό. Έχοντας ως αρχή την υψηλή ποιότητα υπηρεσιών, προσφέροντας εξατομικευμένες λύσεις και εξαιρετική εξυπηρέτηση, με στρατηγική προσέγγιση και επαγγελματισμό, διαμορφώνουμε και διαχειριζόμαστε τις ιδιοκτησίες με μεριμνά και αποτελεσματικότητα ώστε κερδίζοντας την εμπιστοσύνη σας ,να δημιουργούμε μαζί σας μακροχρόνιες και ισχυρές συνεργασίες βασισμένες στην ειλικρίνεια με σκοπό το μέγιστο και βέλτιστο κοινό μας κέρδος. Το πάθος μας για την τελειότητα να είστε σίγουροι πως δεν θα σταματήσει ποτέ, αναζητώντας νέες τάσεις και προοπτικές είμαστε μέσα στην αγορά και εξελισσόμαστε μαζί της. Θα είναι μεγάλη μας χαρά και τιμή να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας ,να ενημερωθείτε για τις μοναδικές και πρωτοποριακές παροχές που μπορούμε να σας προσφέρουμε, και να συνεργαστείτε μαζί μας.


    Trion Nayarhon, Kalamata 24131 - Καλαμάτα

    Romvos Constructions


    Aristodimou 70, Kalamata - Καλαμάτα

    Dimopoulos Properties & Construction
